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Showcasing the work of Penner Studios

Showcasing the work of Penner Studios

Showcasing the work of Penner StudiosShowcasing the work of Penner StudiosShowcasing the work of Penner Studios

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Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design Art and Design

Showcasing the work of Penner Studios

Showcasing the work of Penner Studios

Showcasing the work of Penner StudiosShowcasing the work of Penner StudiosShowcasing the work of Penner Studios

Visit my work in person.


About Me


My Background

My Inspiration

My Background

I am an architectural engineer and construction manager by occupation and a self taught artist and photographer by choice. 

I have been drawing ever since I can remember. My earliest memories are of drawing fantastic cars (like Big Daddy Ed Roth made) and, of course, beautiful women. Not much has changed over the years!

I have graduated from Alvin High School, Alvin Community College, The University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Houston. 

After years of a highly technical education l found that I could draw almost anything on a drafting table (remember those ?) using a parallel bar and nice lettering. 

Then along came the computer and CADD (computer aided drafting design). Say bye-bye to all those wonderful graphite and ink drawings. Now even a monkey can produce a drawing that looks great - whether or not  you can actually build from it!

My mentor and former University of Texas professor, Mr. Pat Riley, (who also taught another architectural engineering student - the “UT Tower Sniper”) brought to my attention something profound at this juncture in my life. After years of engineering and drafting and computers, my work had become very stiff and rigid.

I then made a decision - to change the direction of my work. I began spending more time drawing and painting the human form, but mostly the female form. The curves, softness, and textures that I found in the female form were challenges that could not be found in my daily work. 

I had loved looking at Vargas' and Frazetta's works when I was growing up. Later I saw Nagel's work. Then Olivia, Boris & Julie, Janesko, Royo. 

My daughter once asked me :

"Why do you mostly paint women?"

I have two reasons :

The first reason - if I am going to spend ten to twenty hours looking at a subject, then I want it to be something I enjoy looking at !

The second reason ?

Because I can!


My Mediums

My Inspiration

My Background

I use many different mediums these days to create.

My materials include clay, pencils, inks, acrylics, alkyds,  watercolors, and the airbrush.

Working in a single medium is restrictive to my artistic process. 

Every idea that I imagine has a unique vision for my process of bringing it to creation.

I used film in high school & now use digital with photo editing.

I create structural designs with CAD software programs.

I use pen & ink as well as watercolors to create my architectural renderings.

I use alkyds to create portraits.

I use airbrush for creating pinups.

I use clay to create sculptures.

I use body paints to create living canvases and advertising.


My Inspiration

My Inspiration

My Inspiration

My artistic aspirations did not materialize until late in life for me. 

I feel as though I have already lived one life - that of the dedicated, committed, and highly regimented career engineer. 

Now I am ready to live another life - that of an aspiring artist pursuing my choice of subject material at my leisure. 

I love finding my own models and shooting my own photographic reference materials for projects. 


I consider myself to be a very good student - especially if the subject matter really interests me. 

I try to enlighten myself and expand my horizons by watching other artists in their process of creation. I am always searching for new techniques to add to my personal arsenal to better my artistic skills.  

Since deciding to concentrate on my artwork I have taken airbrush classes with Anthony Guerra (pinup, portrait, techniques & textures), Ed Reed (watercolor pinup), Kent Lind (T-shirt), Henry Asencio (portrait) and Jennifer Janesko (pinup).  I have also studied watercolor painting with Terry Madden and Tom Lynch, both of whom are great teachers and can be seen on their respective PBS shows!  

I have had the honor to work with some fantastic models in creating my artwork. I would like to sincerely thank all of them for collaborating with me.   

The most recognizable models used for my artwork include :  

Veronika Kotlajic, former Playboy model, gallery owner, clothing designer  

Rhonda Rydell, actress & model (Playboy June 1998 - “Babes of Baywatch”)  

Victoria Zdrok, Playboy Playmate - Miss October 1994, June 2002 - Penthouse Pet of the Month, 2004 - Penthouse Pet of the Year,  Penthouse's “Dr. Z”  

Tatiana Zdrock, Victoria’s sister  

D’Nika - Playboy model and Texas Aggie  

I also attended The Houston School of Art and Design for over 10 years to refine my drawing, painting & digital skills with Shawn Carson, another very talented artist.

Charlie Brown (R.I.P), also at The Houston School of Art & Design, taught me his airbrush tips & techniques.  

I would like to thank all the above mentioned artists with whom I have formed a camaraderie that I value very much, and not just because of art. I consider all of them to be my friend as well as a mentor and teacher. Each one  has the ability to get the best out of you. Again, thanks guys (and gal).

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